PRIS:2 200 kr med media kort

Isotek Premier Nätkabel

Our most affordable mains cable, the EVO3 Premier was inspired by discussions with high-end electronics companies, many of whom produce audio equipment that retails for tens of thousands of pounds and yet is bundled with poor quality power cords that significantly constrain performance.

This led us to produce a high-quality alternative that respects standard geometric principles, but where every single element is carefully considered, implemented and manufactured to the highest possible standard. There are many brands offering high- quality power cables but these are often very expensive, and also impractical because of their inflexibility and weight. Our goal was to attain similar levels of performance from a more practical cable at a fraction of the price.

The EVO3 Premier not only delivers excellent performance, it also represents outstanding value-for-money. No compromise has been made in relation to the quality of parts and materials used in its construction.

EVO3 Premier
IsoTek Premier uses high quality materials with intelligent construction to deliver a power cable of outstanding performance and mechanical integrity, which will not degrade over time or break your bank balance.

Cable Length 1.5m standard (no custom length)
Outer Diameter 10mm
Outer Jacket High flexibility PVC
Barrier/Wrap Paper wrap
Filler Cotton
Insulation/Dielectric Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP)
Conductors 3 x 2sqmm
Material Silver-plated 99.9999% Oxygen Free Copper
Capacitance Power Rating Propagation

16 Amp
Unique Termination

Terminated with bespoke audiophile-grade connectors with 24ct gold-plated OFC conductor pins

Suitable for CD players, preamps, tuners, power amps, Blu-ray players, music servers, TVs, soundbars and more!