PRIS:8 000 kr med media kort

Rega Ania MC pickup

OBS !  Nyutvecklad MC pic-up från Rega där man inspirerats från deras fantastiska MC pic.uper Apheta 2 MC och Aphelion MC.


Ania moving coil cartridge
The newest member of the Rega MC cartridge range the Ania was inspired by the success of the Apheta 2 and Aphelion MC cartridges. Using the same exceptionally complex hand wound micro coil found in the rest of the range, the Ania is housed in a unique PPS highly rigid body, ensuring accurate construction and Rega’s three point fixing method ensuring optimum connection to the headshell and automatic setting for overhang. The new body is protected by a CAD designed, clear rigid cover to protect the internal fine wires, making handling whilst fitting, safe and risk free.The Ania features a super high-powered, neodymium magnet and a coil meticulously hand wound on to an iron cross. This miniature assembly allows us greater freedom to track the vinyl groove ensuring even more detail is extracted from the vinyl.

All of these features combine to deliver a balanced and dynamic performance that will engage you with your vinyl like never before.The Ania is the perfect partner for the Planar 3, Planar 6 or RP8 turntables. Factory fitted options for some models are available Please ask your retailer for details.


Tracking Pressure 1.75 – 2.00g
Input load impedance 100 ohm
Output impedance 10 ohms
Nominal output voltage 350?V
Channel Balance : ? 20?V
Separation : ? -29dB

Mass 6g.