Origin Live Agile Tonarm
The Agile tonearm comes from an ambitious undertaking: to create a high end tonearm which improves on all that came before it. To achieve this it would have to surpass tough competition from within our own ranks, that of the Enterprise.
To deliver this definitive performance we scrutinised every aspect of design — Design that has been world leading before* and is now. The Agile has undergone lengthy experimentation to achieve the lowest resonance possible, with every component tested, redesigned and revised to bring you an arm that is truly capable of getting the best from your music.
The thing you first notice is a remarkable increase in definition and clarity. Singers are more tangible. Instruments have more texture. There is less overhang in the bass so the midrange becomes even more transparent. We are happy to present a high end tone arm to lead the market, and to bring the original sound, that much closer to you.