PRIS:2 300 kr med media kort

Entreq ES Pads Vibrationsfötter

Våra senaste “värsting”-fötter. Dessa är lite lägre, mer diskreta än Lynx-foten och passar därför bättre under elektronik i racket och som god ersättning för högtalarnas spikes,

Prestanda är här i världsklass,det bästa vi hört av allt.  pris / st  2300:-

Kolla gärna in på Lynx foten   för all elektronik.


Improving upon the Lynxfeet was always going to be a very difficult job but as with all things Entreq we discovered the solution & the way forward through the developments of our other new products. Through the application of these discoveries & theories we have eventually turned those ideas into reality.

With the design of the ES Pad we have focused on the transfer of very high frequency vibrations & energy. In our design process we found that this area of the frequency spectrum had a far greater influence on actual sound quality than we would have ever thought possible.
The ES Pad is barely 35mm high and incorporates a threaded multi faceted hard acrylic base, with a mineral filled soft Pad making direct contact with the equipment or product itself.
This Isolates the equipment from the foundation of what ever it is sited upon while the direct contact of the Pad, to the equipment, drains away high frequency energy / vibrations through the mineral mixture itself, converting this energy into a harmless low level heat.

These are incredible performers with a consistent performance!